NEWS 2007
(some inks may not work anymore)
The new version of Dungeon Craft, .914 has been released. It contains bugfixes, new features and a lot of new default art. See the Release Notes for full details.
The winners of the second DC Media contest have been announce. Congratulations to Dinonykos, Telwyn, Sigrid Elias and manikus! The winning entries, along with the winning entries from the first Art contest, are available in a single download at in a file called Please read the included text file for full credits for each included art file and for instructions on use.
The first of many planned DC Art Add-ons has been uploaded to This add-on is called and contains 50 PC icons covering both female and male characters for all default races and default allowable classes. Credit for the icons goes to manikus, Dan Autery, hans and Jorg Weber. To use these icons, please read the included PC_icons.txt file.
The DC art base for the 1024x768 resolution is now available for download from It contains new art for the 1024x768 resoltion in all of the types of graphics for Dungeon Craft, including 6 character portrait small pics, 1 big pic, 2 sprites, 1 overland map, frames, default camp and treasure pics, title image, 6 backdrops, and 6 walls with 3 door overlays.